In the year in which we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Portuguese-Mexican diplomatic relations, the Fórum Eugénio de Almeida presents the exhibition Tránsitos de Naualli by Mexican artist Marta Palau.

Confronted with a worldview driven by the logic of power, the artist proposes artistic creation as an option that maintains a commitment to reality, while seeking to restore our relationship with the land, memory, and thought; recognizing forms of resistance in the essence of rituals and myths.

In the figure of the Naualli—a witch, seer, or healer— Palau finds a symbolic representation of a creative power that, through art, calls for a resistance based on an active imagination, reconciling the archaic with the present, leading to the discovery of new ways of how to interpret our individual and collective traits.

Tránsitos de Naualli proposes a journey through some of the paths taken by this Naualli: her celebration of the feminine, her attention to the myths of origin and the myths of migration, her devotion to the magical and prophetic, as well as her desire to use mourning rituals to represent national and global injustices.

Conjuring signs from the past, Palau never neglects the present: in her artwork the contemporary is always of a profound and vital importance.


SPAIN. Museu d’Art Jaume Morera. Lleida. June – Oct 2015

SPAIN. La Lonja, Zaragoza. Dic 2014 – Feb 2015

PORTUGAL. Eugenio De Almeida Foundation, Evora. May – Oct. 2014

ITALY. Factory Pelanda MACRO Testaccio, Roma. Ott. – Nov. 2013
(For the exhibition in Italy Organization: Meet Communication In collaboration with preparation and coordination of the same: ComediArting Srl) Foto courtesy: InMovimento Design e David Osnaya