The Monumental Complex of Saint John will reopen to the public on Sunday 23 May with the exhibition dedicated to the artistic genius of Marc Chagall, one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century, produced and organized by Municipality of Catanzaro, Department of Culture, in partnership con Arthemisia and with the curatorship of Domenico Piraina.
The exhibition “Chagall. The Bible “ see exhibited 170 graphic works by the famous artist, to which are added the works of two famous contemporary artists, Max Marra and Antonio Pujia, to complete an unprecedented and in-depth narration of the biblical text, between stories and fantastic creatures.
The exhibition is realized thanks to the contribution of the Calabria Region, with the patronage of the Provincial Administration of Catanzaro and with the contribution of the Culture and Art Foundation, instrumental body of the Terzo Pilastro – International Foundation chaired by Prof. Avv. Emmanuele FM Emanuele, thanks to which all Catanzaro schools can take advantage of free admission to the exhibition. The management of museum services is by 4Culture Srls.
“Chagall. The Bible in Catanzaro “is a combination that was born under the sign of history and culture: the event will offer the opportunity to promote knowledge of the ancient presence of Jewish communities in Calabria, with the aim of rediscovering a heritage of primary importance for the identity of the territory and which deserves to be valued.
“Catanzaro reconfirms its central role in the cultural offer in Calabria and throughout the South”, commented the mayor Sergio Abramo. “A concrete demonstration was the recognition received by the municipal administration, thanks to the collaboration with Arthemisia, in the context of the regional call for museum events which saw Catanzaro rank first in the ranking with this suggestive exhibition.
We can and must be proud of it. The world of culture, in Catanzaro as in Italy and throughout the world, is one of the sectors that the covid emergency has penalized the most. I like to think that “The Bible of Chagall”, a lighthouse lit on one of the most important and well-known artists of the twentieth century, could kick off a new season for Catanzaro too: being able to welcome visitors back to the halls of the Monumental Complex is a positive sign of restart and hope ”.
“With The Bible of Chagall, the programming that has seen the Capital City already conquering the attention of the great artistic and cultural circuits on the occasion of the previous exhibition dedicated to Escher, a role recognized and awarded several times also in the context of the Regional calls Calabria dedicated to exhibition events “. This is what thecouncilor for culture, Ivan Cardamone, underlining that “the covid emergency has unfortunately interrupted social and cultural life for a long period, but the institutional commitment, which has never stopped, today sees its fruits in the grand reopening of the San Giovanni Complex, a place symbol of the city”.
L‘councilor for tourism, Alessandra Lobello, again highlighted that “the exhibition dedicated to the sacred text of Chagall, one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century, represents a new extraordinary opportunity for promotion for Catanzaro and the whole of Calabria which, thanks to this initiative, will be able to carve out a place of first plan in national and international tourist itineraries. The challenge we strongly believe in is to improve the attractiveness of our cultural destinations, aiming to make territorial marketing the main tool for overturning the reputation of a region too often the victim of clichés and prejudices ”.
From 23 May to 29 August 2021
Monumental Complex of San Giovanni – Catanzaro
Tuesday to Sunday:
morning from 10:00 to 12:30
afternoon from 17.00 to 20.30
Closed on Mondays (the ticket office closes half an hour earlier)
Full € 8.00
Reduced € 6.00
Over 65 years old (with document); single students up to 26 years with university booklet or other school document; guests of the hotels in the city of Catanzaro; employees of the Municipality of Catanzaro and of the subsidiaries Catanzaro Servizi and AMC; adult groups min. 12 – max. 15 pax; Arthemisia card holders.
Reduced Children € 4.00
Children / teenagers from 6 to 18 years; groups min. 12 – max. 15 pax students of schools, universities and institutes of higher education and the Academy of Fine Arts; groups min. 12 – max. 15 pax enrolled in professional associations and registers and cultural associations.
Special reduced € 3.00
Health workers and employees who work in the health sector, upon presentation of the card.
Children up to 6 years old; groups min. 12 – max. 15 pax school students in the province of Catanzaro; disabled with guide; visiting teachers with pupils / students (2 each group); holders of invitation coupons; holders of Vip Card Arthemisia; tourist guides of the European Union qualified in the exercise of their professional activity by showing a valid license issued by the competent authority; journalists with a regular National Order card (professionals, practitioners, publicists) in service upon request for accreditation by the editorial staff at [email protected], employees of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage.
Guided tours
(ticket prices excluded, reservations required)
Guided tour for school groups € 4.50 per student (min.12 max 15 students)
Adult guided tour € 6.00 per participant (min.12 max 15 pax)
Info and reservations
Tel. + 39 348 724 67 47
ITALY. Monumental Complex of San Giovanni – Catanzaro. 23 May to 29 August 2021