After Korea and China, Chagall fly to Brazil…

Thanks to Arthemisia Group, the multi-year traveling project made in ComediArting now arriving in Brazil!

“Only love interests me, and I’m only in touch with things that revolve around love.”

This famous phrase by Chagall, in a way, guides the exhibition. According to organizers, the artist repeatedly emphasized that his life and art were ways of expressing love.

The Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil Rio de Janeiro (CCBB RJ) opens today (16) the exhibition Marc Chagall: dream of love. There are 186 works by this artist who marked the 20th century for the revolutionary use of shapes and colors, for the creation of a lyrical, poetic and fantastic universe in his paintings and texts.

Exhibition Marc Chagall, A dream of love, at the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, in Rio de Janeiro – Tomaz Silva/Agência Brasil

Born on July 7, 1887 in the Jewish quarter of the city of Vitebsk, in ancient Russia, he lived an almost centenary life, reaching the age of 97. He died in France in 1985, after going through the Russian Revolution and the First and Second World Wars, watching the creation and consolidation of the State of Israel and being recognized as one of the most important names in modern art.

According to the exhibition’s curator, Lola Durán Úcar, works were selected that show different techniques and supports that Chagall used with great virtuosity: oils, temperas and gouaches, lithographs and white and black etching, hand-colored.

“Chagall had a very difficult life, having gone through two world wars, a revolution and two exiles, but in his works he conveys a message of hope and optimism. Maybe that’s why his paintings dialogue with this current difficult moment of pandemic and war. The art and work of Chagall can be a palliative in the face of so much suffering”, said the curator.


BRAZIL. Rio, O Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil Rio de Janeiro (CCBB RJ) 16 March 2022 – 6 June 2022

BRAZIL. São Paulo, O Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil São Paulo 8 February – 22 May 2023

Brasilia (28 June – 18 September 2022),
Belo Horizonte (12 October 2022 – 9 January 2023)
São Paulo (8 February – 22 May 2023)