Opening of Peter Kim – “On the edge of the shape”

Promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Cultural Growth-Cultural Heritage Authority of the City of Rome, conceived and curated by Maria Giovanna Musso, supported by De Berg and organized by Comediarting, the exhibition of the Korean artist Peter Kim arrives in Rome in preview at the Carlo Bilotti Museum in Villa Borghese. Zètema Culture Project museum services.

Peter Kim, a Korean artist currently based in the United States, trained in Asia and Europe. His works have been exhibited in several museums and galleries in France, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Belgium, Mexico, Serbia etc.

Peter Kim – On the edge of the shape – The Carlo Bilotti Museum Rome

This exhibition, curated by Maria Giovanna Musso, is dedicated to the relationship between form and emptiness, and in particular to archetypal theme of the vessel.

Carlo Bilotti Museum Villa Borghese Orangery
June 22 to November 4 2018

Rome, 21 June 2018. Vases and shapeless skeins of colored threads. Especially the Vase, as an archetypal form, a timeless location in which to store the memory of the world, a form which separates and includes, where the finite and infinite converge.

Convitto delle Arti Noto Museum PICASSO E’ NOTO now is open

Un percorso di 208 opere alla scoperta delle passioni che hanno accompagnato il grande artista spagnolo in tutta la sua vita. La mostra, curata da Lola Durán Úcar, vede la collaborazione dell’Assessorato Turismo Sport e Spettacolo della Regione Siciliana e della Città di Noto ed è prodotta da Fenice Company Ideas, Contemplazioni, in collaborazione con Comediarting.


Opening of Peter Kim – “On the edge of the shape”

Promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Cultural Growth-Cultural Heritage Authority of the City of Rome, conceived and curated by Maria Giovanna Musso, supported by De Berg and organized by Comediarting, the exhibition of the Korean artist Peter Kim arrives in Rome in preview at the Carlo Bilotti Museum in Villa Borghese. Zètema Culture Project museum services.

Peter Kim, a Korean artist currently based in the United States, trained in Asia and Europe. His works have been exhibited in several museums and galleries in France, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Belgium, Mexico, Serbia etc.

Peter Kim – On the edge of the shape – The Carlo Bilotti Museum Rome

This exhibition, curated by Maria Giovanna Musso, is dedicated to the relationship between form and emptiness, and in particular to archetypal theme of the vessel.

Carlo Bilotti Museum Villa Borghese Orangery
June 22 to November 4 2018

Rome, 21 June 2018. Vases and shapeless skeins of colored threads. Especially the Vase, as an archetypal form, a timeless location in which to store the memory of the world, a form which separates and includes, where the finite and infinite converge.

Convitto delle Arti Noto Museum PICASSO E’ NOTO now is open

Un percorso di 208 opere alla scoperta delle passioni che hanno accompagnato il grande artista spagnolo in tutta la sua vita. La mostra, curata da Lola Durán Úcar, vede la collaborazione dell’Assessorato Turismo Sport e Spettacolo della Regione Siciliana e della Città di Noto ed è prodotta da Fenice Company Ideas, Contemplazioni, in collaborazione con Comediarting.